![]() | ALL INDIA CENTRAL EXCISE INSPECTORS’ ASSOCIATION 15/1 Strand Road, Custom House, M.S.Building, 7th floor, Kolkata-700001 (Affiliated to the Confederation of Central Government Employees & Workers) Recognised by Ministry of Finance [vide F.No.B.12017/1/2004-Ad.IV A dated 31.12.07 & 14.1.08] |
President :Arun Zachariah.P09447037011 Working President: A.S. Kundu 09426746721 Vice President (NZ): Lekh Raj Meena Vice President (SZ): N. Venkitakrishnan Vice President (WZ): V.K.Tyagi Vice President (EZ): Sanjay Singh Vice President (CZ): S.K. Panda Secretary General: Kousik Roy09831007827Asst. Secy. General: N. Balraj 09849859460 Liaison Secretary: Shibaji Ch. Nayak 09437090969 Jt. Secretary (NZ): Aabhay Singh Jt. Secretary (SZ): Shankar Rao Jt. Secretary (WZ): R.B.Meena Jt. Secretary (EZ): Pramod K. Dhal Address for Correspondence: Block-‘B’ Flat No. 301 68, Shibpur Road, Shibpur, Mandirtala, Howrah-711102 Phone : 03322420693 Cell : 09831007827 E.Mail: | Ref. No. AICIEA/CBEC/43/2011 24.01.2011 To, Shri. Sumit Dutt Majumder Chairman,Central Board of Excise &Customs, Ministry of Finance, North Block, New Delhi Sir, Sub: Cadre restructuring 2010-11 – Reg We thank you for convening the meeting of all the recognized associations on 18.01.2011 and your efforts to bring in transparency while finalizing the restructuring proposal. While reiterating our submission to you on 16.12.2010 we would like to offer the following suggestions as our response to the presentation made in the meeting:
In anticipation of a favourable response, I remain. Yours faithfully KOUSIK ROY SECRETARY GENERAL |
This blog is maintained for the benefit of the entire fraternity of Central Excise Officers all over India.
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Thursday, January 20, 2011
- The file of NFSG now in DOP&T, we are trying our level best , we have entrusted the responsibility to some very important person to track the file. It is to be noted that if this NFSG is through then whole of this cadre will get a good benefit; a good no. of newly promoted superintendents, Inspectors ( direct and promotee) shall gate rs. 5400/- grade pay after completion of 4 years service in the gradepay of rs. 4800/-. We have already filed CAVEAT and waiting for department’s decision. Request all of you to contribute as fast as possible.
- We have persuaded the third MACP of promote officers and we are hopeful that a positive response we may get within a short while.
- Expenditure sent back the file containing the issue of fixation of scale, hopefully minimum scale would be granted to all officers like CSS and CSSS .
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Chairman, CBEC convened a meeting of the representatives of all the recognized association on 18.01.2011 at 4 PM. Member (P&V), DG (HRD), ADG (HRD) and other officials from HRD were present. The HRD made a presentation on the main points raised by associations and the response of the administration to it. The issues were categorized as those relating to cadre restructuring being considered favourably; not relating to cadre restructuring being considered favourably and relating to cadre restructuring but not being considered favourably. The major issues that have a bearing on our cadre and discussed in the meeting are the following.
1. Vacancies arising out of CR should be filled up by promotion – Accepted and also considers to extend it beyond one year.
2. Creation of separate service for promotion of Group B Executive officers – Under consideration independent of CR
3. Promotion of Group B gazetted executive officers directly to STS – Under formulation independent of CR
4. DR quota in Inspector cadre to be reduced – Under consideration independent of CR
5. Residency period for promotion from Inspector/PO/EO grade should be common to all three cadres – RR would be amended suitably.
6. All Inspectors who have completed more than 10 years of service should be promoted as Superintendent – To the extent possible allocation would be done to achieve this end.
7. In those zones where no new executive commissionerates have been sanctioned, the normative allocation of staff may render some staff surplus and hence the allocation of posts to audit ccmmissionerates in these zones should be over and above the existing strength – It would be ensured that no staff strength in any grade would be rendered surplus and efforts would be made to bring parity in the rate of promotion among zones.
8. Bringing the promotional level of Inspector/PO/EO on par and revising the ratio for promotion to AC level before CR – Matter sub judice and revision under active consideration/parity under examination separately.
The Chairman asked the associations to prefer representation if any before 27th of January so that Board can finalize their proposal and send it to IFU/Expenditure by mid February. Chairman also announced that an in situ scheme for promotion from Inspector to Superintendent and from Superintendent to AC is in the pipeline.
Monday, January 10, 2011
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Revision of guidelines for framing / amendment / relaxation of Recruitment Rules
No. AB 14017/48/2010-Estt..(RR)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
(Department of Personnel & Training)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
(Department of Personnel & Training)
New Delhi the 31st December, 2010
SUBJECT: Revision of guidelines for framing / amendment / relaxation of Recruitment Rules.
The undersigned is directed to state that instructions on framing / amendment of Recruitment Rules were issued in a consolidated form in this Department's OM No. AB. 14017/12/87-Estt.(RR) dated 18.3.1988. Subsequently, a number of orders and clarifications have been issued on the subject.
2. The existing instructions have been reviewed in consultation with WSC and consolidated in the form of "Guidelines on framing / amendment / relaxation of recruitment rules", a copy of which is enclosed. The number and the date of original OM has been referred in the relevant instructions for easy reference to the context. The Guidelines on framing / amendment / relaxation of recruitment rules along with the relevant instructions and existing model RRs are available on the DoPT websitewww.persmin.nic.in* in the dynamic form of Handbook on Recruitment Rules, 2010. This Department would continue to update these instructions from time to time.
2. Hindi version will follow.
The undersigned is directed to state that instructions on framing / amendment of Recruitment Rules were issued in a consolidated form in this Department's OM No. AB. 14017/12/87-Estt.(RR) dated 18.3.1988. Subsequently, a number of orders and clarifications have been issued on the subject.
2. The existing instructions have been reviewed in consultation with WSC and consolidated in the form of "Guidelines on framing / amendment / relaxation of recruitment rules", a copy of which is enclosed. The number and the date of original OM has been referred in the relevant instructions for easy reference to the context. The Guidelines on framing / amendment / relaxation of recruitment rules along with the relevant instructions and existing model RRs are available on the DoPT websitewww.persmin.nic.in* in the dynamic form of Handbook on Recruitment Rules, 2010. This Department would continue to update these instructions from time to time.
2. Hindi version will follow.
(Smita Kumar)
Director (E-I)
(Smita Kumar)
Director (E-I)
Click here to view the complete instructions...
NO. 18011/1/2010-Estt.(C)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
(Department of Personnel and Training)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
(Department of Personnel and Training)
North Block,New Delhi,
Dated the --
Dated the --
Subject : Probation in various Central Civil Services.
The undersigned is directed to say that the period of probation to be prescribed for different postslservices in Central Government have been laid down in this Department’s O.M. No. F.44/1/59-Ests.(A) dated 15.4.1959 as amended from time to time. Although instructions exist to the effect that save for exceptional reasons probation should not be extended for more than a year and no employee should be kept on probation for more than double the normal period apart from instructions for timely action on completion of probation/confirmation, these are not invariably followed.
2. With a view to prevent Government servants from becoming possible victims of arbitrary actions or inordinate delay in considering completion of probationlconfirmation, the existing instructions on provisions regarding probation in the servicelrecruitment rules relating to Central Civil Services and Posts have been reviewed. It has now been decided that :-
(I) If during the period of probation, a probationer has not undergone the requisite training course or passed the requisite departmental examinations if anybrescribed or has not been on dutyitraining for at least 75% of the probation period, the period of probation may be extended by such period or periods as may be necessary subject to the condition that the total period of probation does not exceed double the prescribed period of probation except in the cases mentioned in (ii) below:-
II) the period of probation may be extended for such period as the Central Government may think fit in the circumstances of the case in respect of a probationer who is:
a) under suspension;
b) against whom disciplinary proceedings are pending; or
c) against whom prosecution for criminal charge is pending.
III) Where a probationer who has completed the period of probation to the satisfaction of the Central Government is required to be confirmed, he shall be confirmed in the SewicelPost at the end of his period of probation, having been completed satisfactorily. In such cases, where no order extending the probation period has been issued and no order of confirmation is issued within one year of completion of the prescribed period of probation, the probationer would be deemed to be confirmed in the servicelpost.
3. In the Service/Recruitment Rules for all Central Civil Services and Posts, in addition to the period of probation, wherever prescribed. corresponding provisions, as in para 2 above, may be incorporated in consultation with this Department in the light of the above instructions.
4. The Hindi Version of this O.M. will follow.
The undersigned is directed to say that the period of probation to be prescribed for different postslservices in Central Government have been laid down in this Department’s O.M. No. F.44/1/59-Ests.(A) dated 15.4.1959 as amended from time to time. Although instructions exist to the effect that save for exceptional reasons probation should not be extended for more than a year and no employee should be kept on probation for more than double the normal period apart from instructions for timely action on completion of probation/confirmation, these are not invariably followed.
2. With a view to prevent Government servants from becoming possible victims of arbitrary actions or inordinate delay in considering completion of probationlconfirmation, the existing instructions on provisions regarding probation in the servicelrecruitment rules relating to Central Civil Services and Posts have been reviewed. It has now been decided that :-
(I) If during the period of probation, a probationer has not undergone the requisite training course or passed the requisite departmental examinations if anybrescribed or has not been on dutyitraining for at least 75% of the probation period, the period of probation may be extended by such period or periods as may be necessary subject to the condition that the total period of probation does not exceed double the prescribed period of probation except in the cases mentioned in (ii) below:-
II) the period of probation may be extended for such period as the Central Government may think fit in the circumstances of the case in respect of a probationer who is:
a) under suspension;
b) against whom disciplinary proceedings are pending; or
c) against whom prosecution for criminal charge is pending.
III) Where a probationer who has completed the period of probation to the satisfaction of the Central Government is required to be confirmed, he shall be confirmed in the SewicelPost at the end of his period of probation, having been completed satisfactorily. In such cases, where no order extending the probation period has been issued and no order of confirmation is issued within one year of completion of the prescribed period of probation, the probationer would be deemed to be confirmed in the servicelpost.
3. In the Service/Recruitment Rules for all Central Civil Services and Posts, in addition to the period of probation, wherever prescribed. corresponding provisions, as in para 2 above, may be incorporated in consultation with this Department in the light of the above instructions.
4. The Hindi Version of this O.M. will follow.
(P.Prabhakaran )
Friday, January 7, 2011
Dear Comrades
Please generously contribute to the cause of GP 5400 to ACP Inspectors. I myself along with another 12 members filed an OA in CAT Hyderabad with OA No.1051 in September,2010. So far the dept. has not filed its counter. Repeatedly adjournments are being taken by the Departmental Counsel. In spite of spending hefty amounts for this OA, I have contributed and today transferred an amount of Rs.1000/- into our AICEIA A/C.No. 800171737 INDIAN BANK, FAIRLIE PLACE, CALCUTTA, WEST BENGAL for the purpose of taking up the issue of Sri. M.Subramanyamm (Now Supdt) in Supreme Court of India. I request the entire fraternity to contribute similarly what ever the amount they can.
P.Vigneshwar Raju
Firstly wish you and all a very happy, prosperous and successful new year 2011 for our Inspectors Association. Read your Circular 9/2010 as the subject of NFSG is discussed I would share the following few lines with you and our circle/branches.
I would thank you and Com. Arun for the proactive stand and support you have taken to present before Member (P&V) not to go on appeal against the High Court of Madras order WP 13225/2010. I was very impressed to receive even the Vakalat from Com. Arun for filing CAVEAT before the Supreme Court. Circles/Branches kindly note that only if we are filing CAVEAT with the Supreme Court the Court would not stay the favourable order we have obtained without obtaining our views/counter. So the Association has taken the right step in filing CAVEAT. But Circles/Branches should be aware of the cost of legal battle and that is why I have from appealing in the High Court itself repeating that beyond HighCourt stage I cannot proceed the fight on my own resources. As enquired with the counsels, it would take Rs. 50000- to pay the counsel for each time the case comes up before Supreme Court. I have received many mails as well as felicitations through the Association's blog and I could understand the members interest in fighting out the case to the end if the Department is not acceding to our request not to file appeal. Contribution from members itself would not be a problem and if properly presented we could very well mobilise the required fund. I myself would contribute Rs. 1000- for this cause to startwith and hope all our circles/branches would also contribute liberally to this cause. With atleast 5000 members in our fold a contribution of Rs. 100- to Rs. 200- per member would suffice to meet our requirement to fight out this case in Supreme Court.
With regards
M. Subramaniam
now Superintendent of Central Excise,
Karur Division, Trichy Comm'rate
Please generously contribute to the cause of GP 5400 to ACP Inspectors. I myself along with another 12 members filed an OA in CAT Hyderabad with OA No.1051 in September,2010. So far the dept. has not filed its counter. Repeatedly adjournments are being taken by the Departmental Counsel. In spite of spending hefty amounts for this OA, I have contributed and today transferred an amount of Rs.1000/- into our AICEIA A/C.No. 800171737 INDIAN BANK, FAIRLIE PLACE, CALCUTTA, WEST BENGAL for the purpose of taking up the issue of Sri. M.Subramanyamm (Now Supdt) in Supreme Court of India. I request the entire fraternity to contribute similarly what ever the amount they can.
P.Vigneshwar Raju
Letter from our Ex- Secy Salem Branch
Dear Koushik, Arun & friends,Firstly wish you and all a very happy, prosperous and successful new year 2011 for our Inspectors Association. Read your Circular 9/2010 as the subject of NFSG is discussed I would share the following few lines with you and our circle/branches.
I would thank you and Com. Arun for the proactive stand and support you have taken to present before Member (P&V) not to go on appeal against the High Court of Madras order WP 13225/2010. I was very impressed to receive even the Vakalat from Com. Arun for filing CAVEAT before the Supreme Court. Circles/Branches kindly note that only if we are filing CAVEAT with the Supreme Court the Court would not stay the favourable order we have obtained without obtaining our views/counter. So the Association has taken the right step in filing CAVEAT. But Circles/Branches should be aware of the cost of legal battle and that is why I have from appealing in the High Court itself repeating that beyond HighCourt stage I cannot proceed the fight on my own resources. As enquired with the counsels, it would take Rs. 50000- to pay the counsel for each time the case comes up before Supreme Court. I have received many mails as well as felicitations through the Association's blog and I could understand the members interest in fighting out the case to the end if the Department is not acceding to our request not to file appeal. Contribution from members itself would not be a problem and if properly presented we could very well mobilise the required fund. I myself would contribute Rs. 1000- for this cause to startwith and hope all our circles/branches would also contribute liberally to this cause. With atleast 5000 members in our fold a contribution of Rs. 100- to Rs. 200- per member would suffice to meet our requirement to fight out this case in Supreme Court.
With regards
M. Subramaniam
now Superintendent of Central Excise,
Karur Division, Trichy Comm'rate
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