The file dealing with Restructuring of CBEC is back in the DoP&T, and it is with the Secretary now. It is also learnt that the Board has not made any significant changes in the original proposal, and even after 4 rounds of queries and corresponding responses and justifications, the proposal retains its original shape. The CBDT proposal has reportedly gone past DoP&T, and it is understood that both proposals will be presented before the Committee of Secretaries together sometime next month. Methods to do away with regional disparities while allocating posts arising out of cadre restructuring are also being devised by the DGHRD.
Since the Board’s communication lifting the ban on ICT has thrown up some confusion, and has stipulated some avoidable preconditions, the AICEIA has written to the Chairman, Member(P&V), JS(Admin) requesting for clarifications/amendments in the same. The matter has further been taken up with senior officials of the Board concerned with the matter, and should get resolved soon. Our letter is appended below.
On the stepping up issue of seniors drawing less pay than junior inspectors who joined the deptt. after 1.1.2006, CBEC has sent the draft clarification to be issued for the DoP&T’s concurrence, as required by Deptt. of Expenditure, to whom the original reference was made by the Board. We have pursued the issue vigourously all along, and continue to do so, and the file has now moved from the concerned Section upward, and it is expected that we will get the desired results within a fortnight.
On 25.11.2011, a March to Parliament was organised as part of the ongoing movement against the PFRDA Bill, with thousands of Central and State Govt. employees gathering at Delhi to make their collective voice heard against the said Bill. In response to the call made by the Confederation of Central Govt. Employees and Workers to participate in the same, President and Asstt Secy. General of the AICEIA along with some of our members attended the protest at Delhi.
The AICEIA will be shortly taking up with the Board the issue of extending benefit of stepping up of pay to all senior inspectors who , having been promoted from the ministerial cadre, are drawing lesser pay than their juniors who have got the benefit of ACP/MACP, following the Supreme Court’s dismissal of the SLP filed by the UOI in the case challenging the High Court of Punjab and Haryana’s verdict is under preparation, and suggestions may please be e-mailed to the Association at the earliest.